How do I reach a pastor?

Our pastor is available for you. Feel free to e-mail or call him. . You can find contact information for the rest of our staff on the Contacts page.

Pastor Mark can be reached at mark.sundberg@livinglordlutheran.org or 830-3630, ext. 212.

What are the worship times at Living Lord Church and what styles of worship are offered?

See our Worship page.

Can we baptize our child (or be baptized as an adult) at Living Lord?

Candidates for Holy Baptism at Living Lord include the following:

Contact Pastor Mark Sundberg at mark.sundberg@livinglordlutheran.org  for more information.

Can we be married at Living Lord?

Weddings at Living Lord are performed for members or prospective members of the congregation. For more information and to receive a Wedding Planner booklet, please contact the church office at mailbox@livinglordlutheran.org.

How can we become members of Living Lord?

We offer membership classes periodically throughout the year. Contact the church office to find out when the next class is scheduled. We ask all prospective members to attend these classes to learn about the Christian faith and Living Lord and to develop relationships with other new members, current members, and our pastors.

Who are Lutherans and what do they believe?

Visit the home page of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), at http://www.elca.org/spiritual.html, then click on “What Do We Believe?” This site offers a great description of Lutheran beliefs.

How do I register my children for Sunday School?

Sunday School is held during worship services on Sunday morning. See our Sunday School page for a complete description. If you have further questions, please contact Steve Ricci, director of Sunday School ministries, at steve.ricci@livinglordlutheran.org or (630) 830-3630

How do I find out about Youth Ministries at Living Lord?

Living Lord is well-known for having one of the most active youth and family ministries in the Bartlett area. See our Youth and Family page for more information or contact the church office, or (630) 830-3630, ext. 214.

How can I contact a member of the Living Lord Church Council?

To reach our congregation president or other members of the council, please e-mail your question, comment, or concern, along with appropriate contact information, to mailbox@livinglordlutheran.org or fill out the following form.

How does Living Lord’s Prayer Ministry work and how do I make a prayer request?

At Living Lord, we take seriously Saint Paul’s encouragement to pray for one another at all times. Visit our Prayer Ministry page to find out how this ministry works and how you can get involved or submit a prayer request.

How do we arrange to use the church building?

Living Lord has a building-use policy. Please contact the church office for scheduling, cost, and further details.

How can I simplify my giving to Living Lord and avoid writing out checks?

You can designate Living Lord as a payee in your bank’s on-line bill-payment system. Contact the church office to learn more.

Another option is to enroll in Simply Giving, a free, automated electronic funds transfer (EFT) program sponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

See Simply Giving for more information or go to the page of the Thrivent web site and download a Simply Giving "individual enrollment form."

After completing the form, you can drop it in the offering plate at Living Lord during worship or mail it to:

Church Office

Living Lord Lutheran Church

1044 Congress Drive

Bartlett, IL 60103